This is the final outcome for this project.
I decided to include HQ screenshots of various angles, as the tavern itself is rather big, and hard to fit into one shot.
I am very pleased with how this project turned out; I managed to keep to the original design I thought of quite well. I think tackling such an organic design has helped develop both my 3D sculpting and modelling skills. I also enjoyed creating and designing such a natural environment, as it allowed me to explore various references and expand my knowledge of both realistic and stylised games.
I believe an aspect that went well in this project is definitely the sculpted models. I have successfully created visibly organic and sophisticated pieces of nature (with added character, in the case of the Hidden Tavern itself). The textures I have chosen also all complement each other well, and add a sense of coherence within the overall scene.
Furthermore, I think I managed to translate my idea of a ‘forgotten’ tavern being hidden within the landscape quite well, as the overall atmosphere is exactly what I had wanted it to be at the beginning: mystical but somewhat eerie.
However, I think, had I had more time, perhaps, I would have liked to work into the landscape more. I could have expanded it more, maybe added another sculpted tree or two to add diversity within the horizon and make it busier. I also could have attempted to paint the texture samples for the landscape myself, which could have potentially brought even more depth to the project.
Nevertheless, I believe this was a successful project!